Photography ...

Captures moments in life that later on become sentimental memories ...  Like fragrances that many years later help us recall our moods, emotions, states of mind at particular times in life. The more spontaneous they are the better taste of the memories.


Tango workshop in Dublin

Manual camera

Munich & Dublin blues

Barcelona & Dublin light

Munich light

Surfer & Friends

Sleeping kitty

Origami photography with a touch of Photoshop

Origami roosters

Origami rabbits

Origami swan

Hand made props with a touch of Photoshop

3D hand made skull

Made of balsa wood, sprayed with silver, decorated with Swarovski crystals.
Created for Hamlet window display.

Hand made Venetian mask

Mask made with Swarovski crystals, black and white feather and beads.
Created for Shakespeare window display.

Fashion photoshoot

The atmosphere around the town

If for any reason you would like to get in touch with me  ...

Aleksandra Walkowska |

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